Summit of the Horrors

A knock at the manor door echoed throughout the halls and roused Alter from his evening meal. This was unusual for a number of reasons. The first was that Alter had dismissed the servants for the evening. The second was that Alter was not expecting a guest. But the biggest reason was that, given that he did have an uninvited guest, they should never be able to find the front door without Alter leading them to it. That was the point of Alter and his labyrinth of an estate.

He listened for a moment, gauging if the manor was playing tricks on him. A second knock came, this one more impatient. With a huff, Alter set down his fork and knife, not even getting to taste the roast, before yet another knock echoed down his hallways. As he walked out of the room, the door to the dining chamber snapped shut and sunk into the wall. It was gone before he’d reached the end of the hall to where the front door currently stood.  He yanked the massive front door open. 



What The Surface Tells